As the story has only just begun, there is little you need to know at this point, but here is a little background:
A mixture of Winnie the Pooh, H. R. Puffinstuff and epic fantasy, Walker's world is populated with all manner of creatures, mystical and deadly! Oooh!
Our story begins in the Young Lands, also known as the Wide Valley, at a time after the fall of the Great Empires of the past millenia. The world has descended into dark barbarism and even the noble dwarf lords are rarely seen outside their stone fortresses to the north.
And cast into the middle of it all is Walker, a swordsbunny of royal descent and generally good intent. He is joined by Sable Silverwaithe, a newfound companion and the only actual humanoid on the planet. Sable's origins and how she came to this world will be revealed as the tale unfolds. The cast of characters also includes Cuthbert and Cudgel Hog, Webster Duck, Wenceslas Mouse and many others!
In the hamlet of Hill's End, we find our hero relaxing by the fire, a tankard of stout in hand. But adventure ever beckons, and rest comes not easily for Walker as two locals approach to "greet" him...